Does what it says! Basic remote control app to control iPhone/iPad from the Mac. Handy for when I have my iPhone plugged into my stereo to stream music and dont want to get up to pause or skip a song. This program will start up the Apple music player on your iPhone/Pad but you can also use it to control other prog. such as Pandora by opening them directly on the iPhone/Pad.
Uses bluetooth -- nice since it works independent of having both devices on the network, downside is bluetooth has limited range. Functions as a BT keyboard, so you cant use this and a keyboard with the iPhone at the same time.
Pairing instuctions are a bit cryptic in the program. You need to have your Mac and iPhone/Pad already paired over BT. Then you open your bluetooth settings on the iPhone and select your Mac (will then have a checkmark next to it). After that the remote should work.
bus_man about iKeyboardRemote