pairing tricky… utility limited
Pair this device successfully, seems to require that you forget existing bluetooth keyboards - or at least that allowed me to pair. I "forgot" all bluetooth devices, and then attempted to pair with my Macbook… finally, 10 minutes of futzing around, and I achieved success… albeit, for what?
Once it is paired, it manages only *very simple* remote functions:
• home button function
• lock function
• pictures access
• play, rewind, fast forward functions
• volume off, down, and up
(note: media functions operate blind to visual interface, except for volume controls. This means that you cant see what the remote is controlling. Additionally, while the app is active, the F1-F12 keys are also paired to the same functions as listed above, just like on your Macbook.
Should you like to truly use the majority of your *keyboard*, as in the "keyboard" part of the applications name (iKeyboardRemote), you will need to buy the authors iKeyboard product ($10). It is apparently this $10 iKeyboard app which actually supports alpha-numeric keyboard input... So the name iKeyboardRemote, is largely not representative of the function provided. Nonetheless, the app does deliver on the functionality described by the author.
This makes it a solid 2/5 in my book.
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